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Managing and directing human resources in an efficient manner across the borders of different countries poses a number of difficulties. Therefore, the International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is a set of organisational rules and activities developed with the purpose of achieving the goals of multi-national companies regardless of geographical and cultural obstacles. When learning how to write an International HRM essay, the first thing the student has to acknowledge is the difference between standard or domestic HRM and International HRM. We will briefly present several of these differences in this article, thus trying to put the student on the right track for writing a competent and relevant study on International Human Resource Management.

There are many activities covered by human resource management: the recruitment of labour force, the selection of employees, training and development, performance appraisal and evaluation or dismissal are several of the main ones. By having a specialised department for such activities, a company is better equipped for the fierce, competitive modern business environment. The management of organisational human resources, if done properly, may contribute significantly to the company’s growth and efficiency. In order to learn how to write an international HRM essay, you first need to have at least a general idea regarding how standard HRM works. Afterwards, you need to find out why the international scene requires its own set of rules and activities regarding the management of work force.

As stated at the beginning of this article, standard and International HRM, although similar to some extent, have a number of differences between them. On the international scene, a company needs to overcome certain obstacles, most often of a cultural nature, in order to achieve competitive advantage. The management of human resources on an international level is aimed at defining and dealing with these obstacles.

It is difficult to learn how to write an International HRM essay without recognising the effects of cultural differences on the business environment. When these differences are not properly taken into consideration, doing business becomes considerably more difficult. Therefore, cultural intelligence is a key aspect of multinational company management, as different types of employees require different manners of conduct. In this regard, International HRM involves working with three types of employees:

– home country employees, native citizens of the country the company belongs to;

– host country employees, citizens of the nation in which the company’s subsidiary is found;

– third country employees, namely employees working in the subsidiary, but who belong to a different country than the native country of the company and that of its subsidiary.

With this in mind, the student who learns how to write an international HRM essay will notice that business done at a multinational level is more complicated than on a national level. Additional activities such as expatriate management and working with employees who have different concepts regarding business and society are several elements International HRM tries to work with.

Once you have learned the basics of domestic and international human resources management, you may begin working on your paper. Naturally, the first step is the research for relevant bibliographical materials.

The Research Stage

The student who learns how to write an international HRM essay will often perform his research by consulting both online sources and visiting the local library. Human resources books and paper can be found on a variety of websites, beginning with Google Scholar and Google Books, as well as many other sites that offer academic content. Moreover, the student has to gain information about the specific business sectors his or her essay focuses upon; this way, the risk of losing oneself in the vast domain of modern business is diminished, and the chances of getting a good mark are increased. Learning how to write an International HRM essay requires a good understanding of basic business theory and practice.

The Writing Stage

There are five main parts of an academic essay: the abstract, the introduction, the main body of the paper, the conclusion and the works cited page. When learning how to write an international HRM essay, pay attention to the formatting style specified by your instructor; failing to comply with such instructions will result in receiving a lower mark. However, if no format style has been requested, you may use Harvard or APA, as they are two of the most frequently used in academic texts.

– The abstract will briefly explain the thesis of your essay, mentioning your argumentation plan based on the selected bibliography;

– The introduction reveals some key aspects of the research question. Its purpose is to trigger the reader’s interest for the subject, therefore it should be short and written in an explicit and convincing language;

– The main body of the paper contains the facts and debates by which you aim to prove your point of view. Along with presenting the HR-related theoretical concepts, the student who knows how to write an international HRM essay should try to offer as many case studies and examples as can be found, in order to increase his credibility. Note that the management of human resources is a rigid subject: the possibility of having personal opinions is somewhat limited, compared to other types of essay;

– The conclusion recaps the points of the debate, emphasising on the importance of your find to the academic community;

– Lastly, the works cited page contains every bibliographical source you have used, according to the selected formatting style. If necessary, you might also add an appendix with charts and graphs that have not been included in the paper.

The Revision Stage

Learning how to write an international HRM essay implies acknowledging the importance of the paper’s revision. By using a spell check and re-reading the text several times, the student maximises his chances of making a good impression on his instructor and attracting a high mark. Moreover, when time is scarce or the student lacks confidence in his writing skill, the essay writing section of Academic Sciences might prove useful. Our website offers proofreading and editing services as well, at affordable prices.


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