What Type of Learner are You?

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You might think that there’s only one way to learn something – and you would be wrong.

It can be difficult to know what type of learner you are. But by understanding how each style of learning works, you may be able to apply this to your own study, helping you grasp new information and apply this to your academic or career pursuits.

So which category do you fit in? I hope this post will help you figure that out!

Firstly, let’s take a look at the 8 identified Learning Styles. These are:

  1. The Linguistic Learner

  2. The Naturalist

  3. The Musical or Rhythmic Learner

  4. The Kinesthetic Learner

  5. The Visual or Spatial Learner

  6. The Logical or Mathematical Learner

  7. The Interpersonal Learner

  8. The Existential Learner

The Linguistic Learner

A linguistic learner is someone who learns best through their mastery of the spoken and written word. For example, a student might use this method for tackling new skills such as reading or writing creatively instead of doing research that would be necessary when learning from books alone; they may also want to speak about what was just learned with others after listening carefully in class discussions so there are no gaps left unturned. Some great teachers have been found among these types because it’s not uncommon at all – many find themselves drawn towards education by its power over language itself!

The Naturalist Learner

The naturalist learner loves nature and sees everything in it. They are motivated by the desire to experience new things, which makes them eager learners who like exploring with their senses. They learn best by experiencing and understanding the world around them through hands-on work or observation with objects like plants for example; it’s this deep curiosity that drives them to collect data on their experiences so as to find new ways of thinking about things in order share what they’ve learned with others who might be interested too!

The Musical or Rhythmic Learner

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It’s not just the musician or rhythm-centric learner who learns best with music in their ears, but someone who prefers to learn by listening. These people often have an acute sense of melody and can identify sounds even when they’re complex multiples as well! Some may even use it while studying for tests so that one subject cues into another without being overwhelmed from all directions at once (a la “The Brain Gym®”).

In fact, this mode seems perfect if you’re looking to maximize brainpower because there are more connections made through involvement than passive reception…at least according research done among university students over ten years ago.

Some people also think better with background noise, so you may often notice that some individuals will be happier if they hum or whistle while their brain prepares for tasks at hand.

Mimicking a vocalization like this can help create mental focus and even speed up problem solving!

The Kinesthetic Learner

What does it mean to be a kinesthetic learner? Being a “kinetic” person means that you learn best by doing things. Your thinking process is more hands-on and scientific, which means the better method for learning about something would depend on how much time we have available (or what the situation calls for). Some common jobs where this type of skill could come into play include arts-related careers like acting or farming; manufacturing fields such as carpentry, surgery, jewellery making etc., even physical therapy professions can benefit from having some kinetic learners in their midst!

None of the careers listed could have been done without “hands-on experience.” With a few exceptions, most jobs require an apprenticeship or shadowing, and these are commonly professions that can only be learned through hands on training with experienced professionals who learn every day for years before becoming experts.

The Visual or Spatial Learner

A visual or spatial learner is someone who learns best if there are visual aids around to guide the learning process. For example, someone who can learn from diagrams and pictures would be considered a “visual” type of learner (spatial). These people tend to be technically oriented with an interest in engineering fields as well such as computer engineers or programmers.

A strong understanding about how information is processed through different senses helps visual/special learners retain knowledge much better than those without this skill set.

Within IT related careers, the best students are those that have a strong visual or spatial learning ability. Why? Because being proficient in programming and using computers requires you to be able understand things through graphics such as images of components which cannot actually be seen (e.g., bytes).

The Logical or Mathematical Learner

The logical or mathematical learner must classify things. They also tend to understand relationships and patterns better than other types of learners.

It’s no surprise that the vast majority of engineers, scientists and other technical professionals have a strong mathematical background. People who can solve complex equations with ease are often drawn to careers in these fields because it helps them find patterns where others see only chaos or confusion. Those that don’t understand mathematics will never be able appreciate all its benefits!

The Interpersonal Learner

The interpersonal learner is someone who learns by relating to others. They often share stories, work best in teams and compare their ideas with the ones of other people on a regular basis – but that’s not all this type loves! Interpersonal learners are natural leaders as well-team players; you’ll find them everywhere from psychology or social sciences fields too (surprise!).

The Existential Learner

The Existential learner has a preference for deep and personal self-improvement. They work best when they are alone, as opposed to collaborating with others in an open environment where their thoughts can be confused or interrupted by outside factors like noise pollution.,

These individuals often find themselves living on their own terms instead of conforming to the common expectations set before them. They like to set individual goals that are challenging, but not impossible. They are also motivated by internal forces, rather than external ones.

Existential learners are often introverted individuals, but not always. These people often enter creative fields, become entrepreneurs, and sometimes small business owners. However, they commonly work in fields or industries that allow them to work without direct supervision.


We all have different learning styles, and it’s important to know what type of learner you are. Are you someone who learns best by reading or listening? Do visuals help your understanding better than words? These questions can be answered through a style inventory that will allow you to identify the way in which you learn most effectively. Knowing this about yourself is just one step towards improving your study time and efficiency and increasing performance on essays and exams. After identifying your learning style, use these tips for studying more efficiently based on how your brains works!


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