How to Write an Integrated Marketing Communications Essay

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Integrated Marketing Communications or IMC is a concept defined as the process of communication between a brand and the customer in which a variety of modes are employed together in order to reinforce the core message of the company, thus maximising the cost effectiveness of every marketing aspect (advertising, social media, PR, direct marketing etc). When learning how to write an Integrated Marketing Communications essay, the student must realise the main goal of IMC as well as the manner in which the aspects of marketing communications work together for accomplishing an efficient relationship between the companies and the public.

The Research Stage

Gathering the right research material is always the first step of writing an academic essay. As Integrated Marketing Communications is part of the broad field of modern economics and the number of sources available is rather high, compared to other academic disciplines.

Most students will search for sources on free-content websites such as Google Scholar, Google Books; for the IMC essay, you may also consult SpringerLink or Elsevier; after all, it is very convenient to gather your material from the comfort of your own home. Remember to be critical and thorough when browsing the web for sources: the field of economics is in constant improvement, and outdated sources will decrease your chances of receiving good marks for your paper. Thus, in order to learn how to write an Integrated Marketing Communications Essay, it is very important to pay attention to the books’ release date. Patience and attention are basic requirements for devising a well-written academic text. The local library remains, however, the most trustworthy and complete source of materials, especially in large urban environments.

When you learn how to write an Integrated Marketing Communications essay, keep in mind that the use of encyclopaedia entries is strongly discouraged; however, an encyclopaedia entry might help the student understand the basic concepts of Integrated Marketing Communications, if he is new to the subject. Because there are several components in the IMC business approach, it is a good piece of advice to study each one individually before beginning to write your paper. This way you will be certain that the materials you have chosen are relevant for your thesis.

The Writing Stage

Once you have selected and organised the bibliography, you need to devise an efficient writing plan: first, organise your time so that you will not find yourself under pressure. Second, make sure that your writing plan will encompass every argument and piece of evidence offered by the bibliography. Furthermore, you may use your writing plan as an abstract for the paper. Organisational skills are imperative for the student who learns how to write an Integrated Marketing Communications essay.

You have to use convincing and clear language. The field of marketing, with all its standards and rules, allows little to no room for the use of an ornate language and figures of speech. The student who knows how to write an Integrated Marketing Communications essay has to be credible and provide compelling evidence and examples in order to back up his or her viewpoint.

  • The introduction of the paper is of particular importance: by employing a crafted language, the author may sway the reader’s attention to his own perspective and thus increase his or her credibility. The purpose of a well-written introduction paragraph is to capture and maintain the audience’s attention by underlining the importance and relevance of what is going to be discussed in the paper. Although usually short, the introduction may trigger a more responsive attitude on the reader’s behalf, which might alter the way in which the text will be perceived to the author’s advantage.
  • The main body of the paper lists all the arguments and evidence for your thesis. Be mindful that in marketing there is usually little room for personal opinion, so try to be as objective as possible. Construct your paragraphs in a logical manner, so you will have a coherent flow of ideas. Expand on each idea mentioned in your abstract, using as many figures, examples and case studies you can find. Knowing how to write an Integrated Marketing Communications essay also requires the skill to convince the reader of your claims without hiding or altering opposite points of view. Therefore, provide both for and against arguments for your thesis, for a more academic impression.
  • The conclusion will bring the discussion to an end, offering the audience a concise and relevant recap of all your arguments. A good conclusion should highlight the importance of your study. A student who knows how to write an Integrated Marketing Communications essay should be able to underline the contribution of his study to the field of marketing and economics. Moreover, a well-written conclusion should be free of additional arguments and details.
  • Do not forget to include the works cited page, in which you list every cited source in accordance with the formatting style requested by your instructor. If no particular style has been requested, consider using Harvard or the APA style, two of the most widely used formats in academic writing.

Revision and Final Adjustments

When studying how to write an integrated marketing communications essay, you have to be aware of the importance of the revision stage. The more time you spend revising your text, tweaking the language, and re-organising your arguments, the better your chances of making a good impression. Revising a text is more than using a spell-check for correcting typos, as the structure of the paper might also be improved.

You might revise and edit the essay yourself, but another person might see other ways in which you might improve your work. You may ask a friend, colleague or relative to read it and explain to you where you might work on it, or you may hire a professional editor to shape or enhance the aspect of your paper. In this regard, the proofreading and editing section of Academic Sciences lies at your disposal; furthermore, we also provide custom essays and even dissertations at accessible prices, for students who lack the time and resources, or who need additional help for learning how to write an Integrated Marketing Communications essay.


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